Updated Workflow

My development environment has once again changed dramatically1, and I would like to record these changes and compare them to other years.

Operating System and Window Managers

For most of my development activities I use a Debian environment. I use a server hosted on DigitalOcean, and SSH into it so that my development environment is consistent no matter which device I am using. Originally, I tried using a window manager such as i3 and dwm, but I have found that, due to speed concerns, using SSH with either Vim splits or tmux panes is preferable.


I use the Fish shell, which although it is not POSIX compliant, is far more accessible to a high level developer such as myself. Using the oh my fish! software I have installed a fuzzy-finding program to increase the speed that I can access files. I have several abbreviations set within the shell, such as v to launch my editor, and sl to provide a more in-depth directory listing.


.NET Core (soon to be .NET 5) is wonderful for my programming needs. I can develop software in my environment of choice and deploy it to any possible setup that I might use. .NET Core has a plug-in that can run *.csx files as scripts, as well as open a REPL engine.


My current editor of choice is Neovim. I use the OmniSharp plug-in to enable features such as autocompletion and automatic code refactoring. This plug-in (which only executes when C# files are being edited) creates an IDE-like experience, replacing the bloat of the original Visual Studio. My Neovim setup has many similarities to my Visual Studio Code setup, even down to the theming. I also have several useful bindings, such as ;; to append a semicolon to the end of the line.

Copies of my dotfiles can be found on my Github.

  1. Changes about which I have previously written in this article.↩︎